

Published, personal & investigative


Original reporting for The Weather Network


Plastic pollution battle.

More on the meeting that was thought to be a game changer in our country’s global plastics fight.

Canada’s plastic plan.

How much bite it actually had, according to environmental groups.

Dangerous levels of road salt.

Could all the excess road salt washing into our lakes be putting freshwater species and ecosystems in real danger?

More to come…

Check back often for the newest reports.

Time to make some waves.

“Look to your past to guide your future.”

Read the personal essays I’ve written about my family background and the inspiration behind my charity work.

saphia khambalia live on-air

Have a story idea or work with an advocacy group whose mission I can help with?

Drop me a line.

New writing projects:


Stay tuned for more.

Ease and flow.

There’s more musings on my blog.