No Fear

This seemed fitting for a first post, on my first-ever blog, on my first-ever grown-up website; a message of security, love and NO fear for myself.

Contrary to popular belief I’ve never been very comfortable with sharing my thoughts online. I realize that sounds strange considering what I do for a living but it’s always been easier to be “real” on TV. I’m still trying to find my genuine voice on the web. I second-guess myself, listen to the naysayer comments in my head and worry things seem too perfect or annoying. Maybe it’s because there’s no controlling it once you put it out there? Regardless I’m doing it. Now.

This sidewalk chalk picture I made with my kids on our weed-ridden driveway back in March when the Covid lockdown first began seemed like the perfect reminder of the love you get back when put that vibe out. We made this chalk walk at a time when fear was running rampant in the world (and still is) as a reminder for all who stepped over it to go about their day a bit more lighthearted and secure. Now as you scroll over this post I hope it’ll do the same for you (and me) as we step into this new space, new path, new platform. Thank you all for walking along with me!!!


Beauty and growth (in the garden)