Beauty and growth (in the garden)

While we’re on the topic of trying new things how about we talk about my latest OBSESSION?

I need to preface this with telling you all that if you knew me a year ago (and really at any point in my life previous to that), that you would be well aware that I had absolutely no interest in gardening.

I couldn’t even keep a cactus alive.

I often told my husband how much I hated getting flowers (didn’t like that they just died and got moldy).

And, I had zero interest in doing anything in the garden.

Fast-forward to the summer of Covid and being homebound with three little kids and NOW you’d be hard-pressed to find a day where I wasn’t in the garden, planting, pruning, watering and getting my hands dirty! I’m not really sure when it happened or how it happened, but folks, I am a gardener.

I’ve joined all the gardening social media groups I ask advice and post pictures of my flowers, I’ve planted dozens of different things this year (most of which I’ve managed to keep alive), I drive around to random greenhouses to buy special flowers, I had bulbs delivered from HOLLAND (yes really), google even sent me a notification my phone asking if I wanted to create a sub folder for flowers because “it looked like I’ve been searching them a lot lately,” haha!

It’s been a great activity to get the kids busy and helping, it’s also served as me-time to ground and connect with so much going on but, most of all it’s been simply wonderful to stare at these sweet things of beauty when there’s so much darkness creeping around. I think that is what I’ve fallen in love with most of all; the beauty and the growth. Kind of sounds like a Disney movie, doesn’t it?


No Fear